The Montpelier Waste Water Treatment Plant is an Ohio EPA Class II, 1.0 MGD Activated Sludge Treatment Facility and is operated by one certified professional and two additional employees. The plant was constructed in 1957 with only primary sludge removal and drying beds. An upgrade in 1971 added secondary treatment, clarifiers and chlorine disinfection. Additional sludge storage and treatment capacity were added in 2001. A primary screen auger was a welcomed addition in 2014. 2018 was a very busy year for the plant, an equipment overhaul occurred with new blowers, return and waste pumps and renovated clarifiers. A SCADA system was added and Variable Frequency Drive Controls were added to help reduce energy costs. Chlorine was removed from the process in favor of UV disinfection. The chemical treatment of phosphorus was also added in 2018.
The sewer collection system consists of eight lift stations, one vacuum system and attached lift station and two major pumping stations. Additional information on the Combined Sewer System is available at the link below.
Combined Sewer System Information