Electric Rates

Utility bills are mailed on the 1st of the month and due on the 15th of every month.

The Village Council has enacted the requirement of a deposit for all rental properties or units. The deposit is a minimum of $200 or 1 1/2 times the average utility bill of the property, whichever amount is greater. Applications must be completed and signed by the tenant, landlord, and utility personnel, and the deposit paid prior to service.

If you are having difficulty making a payment, please contact the utility department immediately. Failure to pay may result in termination of services.

The Utility Department business office number is (419)485-8316.

Residential Electric Rates
Inside Corporation Limits (Residential)
Monthly Service Charge
Energy Charge
First 500 kWh @
$0.116 per kWh
Next 500 kWh @
$0.111 per kWh
Over 1000 kWh @
$0.106 per kWh
Outside Corporation Limits (Residential)
Monthly Service Charge
Energy Charge
First 500 kWh @
$0.116 per kWh
Next 500 kWh @
$0.111 per kWh
Over 1000 kWh @
$0.106 per kWh

Each month an overall purchase power base cost is applied to determine the adjustment applicable to the Village’s rate schedules. This is in addition to the kWh base rate.

General Service for Non-Residential Electric Rates
Inside Corporation Limits (Non-Residential)
Monthly Service Charge
Energy Charge
First 500 kWh @
$0.137 per kWh
Next 2,500 kWh @
$0.127 per kWh
Next 7,000 kWh @
$0.117 per kWh
Over 10,000 kWh @
$0.081 per kWh
Capacity Charge
First 50 kW @
No Charge
Over 50 kW @
$8.00 per kW of Billing
Outside Corporation Limits (Non-Residential)
Monthly Service Charge
Energy Charge
First 500 kWh @
$0.137 per kWh
Next 2,500 kWh @
$0.127 per kWh
Next 7,000 kWh @
$0.117 per kWh
Over 10,000 kWh @ $0.081 per kWh
Capacity Charge
First 50 kW @
No Charge
Over 50 kW @
$8.00 per kW of Billing

Each month an overall purchase power base cost is applied to determine the adjustment applicable to the Village’s rate schedules. This is in addition to the kWh base rate.